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Mārtiņš Možeiko's Avatar
Mārtiņš Možeiko
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Much faster and better than stb_image_resize.h
Major performance increases (in degenerate cases can be >1000x faster). Now includes SIMD optimizations - for SSE2, AVX, NEON and WASM.
Bit-identical deterministic results between scalar and SIMD code, across architectures (x86, arm, wasm) and across all compilers - msvc, clang, gcc.

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WASAPI wrapper example that offers directsound-like lock/unlock buffer functionality (but simpler):

Header has just 4 functions - start/stop, lock/unlock. And then you fill in the buffer between lock/unlock calls in every frame. No worrying about callbacks or multithreading for your audio code to mix the samples. The buffer to fill is a "magic ringbuffer" allocated with virtual memory mapping trick - it gives just one array to fill, no need to handle split in the middle for wrapping back to start like dsound requires. It wraps around automatically. Internally wrapper creates large ringbuffer that you fill on every frame as much as you want. This means no audio going out or glitching when frame time stutters and you get longer frame than expected. This is done by running a background thread where samples are submitted to wasapi from ringbuffer with smallest buffer size. And lock/unlock allows to overwrite portion of ringbuffer that has not been submitted yet, so you can get lower latency even if you have prepared more samples than necessary.

example.c file with example code at the top.

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Toy project to mount tags from local git repository as "virtual" folder using Windows Projected File System:

This allows you to browse tree of all commits referenced by tags without need to run git command to checkout between commits.

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"hello triangle" using WebGPU on Windows in C:
draws same triangle as my other d3d11/opengl gists. Just a single file to compile, no other dependencies (other than webgpu implementation itself), simple code without abstractions.

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upng.h - uncompressed png writer & reader, with optimizations for x64 and arm64:
Standalone header file with two functions to use, no memory allocations, no runtime dependencies.
In case you need to create valid png files really really fast. Supports all 8-bit and 16-bit png pixel formats & any image size (32-bit width/height) - as long as it fits in memory.
Can create 8k BGRA8 png file (256MB) in 23msec on Ryzen 5950x. Which means it's running at 11GB/s.
Compared to libpng 170msec (uncompressed png, 1.5GB/s) or 2150msec (compressed png, 120MB/s).

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Minor TwitchNotify improvement - code updated to refresh stream status for users when websocket is reconnected. This happens, for example, after computer was resumed for sleep/standby. Previously UI did not reflect changes in user stream status during this time. So you had old info available after resuming pc, potentially showing users streams being live when they are not, or opposite.
Plus removed nested user context menu - it's simpler to have everything in one list without sub-menus. &twitchnotify

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alternatively use fwidth for automatic "zoom" calculations, no need to manually scale anything - just pass correct vertex/texcoord coordinates:

&wcap update - now it can encode video to 10-bit HEVC (main10 profile). Theoretically it increases quality of image as there is more resolution for color values in conversion to YUV. But it depends on how GPU implements encoder. In practice it will be very hard to see any differences. From my non-scientific tests with Nvidia, it seems it encodes better - on some content it gets ~10% smaller video files than 8-bit HEVC.

Not all GPU's support encoding to 10-bit HEVC. Check your GPU support here:
Nvidia: or

Get it on GitHub:

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&TwitchNotify now allows to download followed user list from your Twitch account - set username in .ini file and choose to download automatically on startup, or do it manually in popup menu.

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TwitchNotify update: Much better websocket connection code. Now it does not need to disconnect to reload users - websocket connection stays permanent. Also because Twitch likes you to notify that stream is live but then it takes sometimes up to 10 seconds to actually report game/stream name, so now TwitchNotify will show notification with just user name, and then try to get game/stream name later and update notification when it successfully gets one. And now it shows viewer count in user list. &twitchnotify

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New TwitchNotify codebase: Now it monitors Twitch user live status via websocket instead of previous 1-min polls. Now you get notifications instantly without any delay. It also now uses Windows 10 toast notifications - it shows actions buttons in notification popup itself. Either to open mpv video player, or open browser page. All this with nice 34KB .exe and ~3MB runtime memory usage. CC @DreamerSleeper &twitchnotify

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new &wcap feature - allow to choose discrete vs integrated GPU to use for encoding. By default it will select discrete one. Using integrated may be useful for laptop users with nvidia optimus when you're recording low framerate / low complexity screen capture, as that uses less power, which means less heat & better battery usage. I recommend using iGPU only if you're on Skylake or newer Intel CPU, as older CPUs than Skylake have pretty poor performance & quality. New version also includes minor fix for bad handling of minimized window capture. In such case no new frames are captured which means messed up timestamp or hanging of recording (if audio capture was also enabled). Now it will properly produce discontinuity in video stream.

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