Ideas for applets

Hi there,

I have been making online applets using javascript and java using processing. Although they are not low level programming, I use Casey's compression style programming and concepts from Handmade Hero to make them.

I like making them and like the online interactivity, but I'm not sure which direction to take them. I was thinking education and exploration of science & math, but wasn't sure.

I would love to hear what you think and any ideas you may have?

The address is:

These are pretty cool. I don't know what direction would be best to take these in. Maybe you just choose things you want to learn about or thought were hard to understand? I like the gamification of the vector applet, so maybe you could explore that with simple concepts?

"An algorithm for turning polygon in triangles" why did the paradox get an explanation and not the algorithm? :(

With regards to your sorting applet, I don't like that you can rearrange bars other than the one you are dragging. Having the index above the bar is confusing to me. I would expect a number above the bar to be its height, not its index. I think a visualization of various sorting algorithms that plays an animation that steps through pseudo-code is more useful than a scripting language.

Newton's method, space filling curves, bezier curves, trig functions

math / physics bits:
You could make some sort of quaternion visualizer like this.

Some algorithm / data structure visualizations are available here.
Hi Rayalan,

Thanks for taking the time to look and the feedback :)

I think that is my best bet, making things that I'm trying to understand. I was thinking I might also come across a good game idea. I had an idea for an adventure game where the vector axis was your main tool and you solve matrices to unlock doors based on the vector applet.

The sorting applet does need some more thought put into it. I like the idea of sorting algorithm steps through pseudo code with animation.
Sorry about the triangulation, I need to add a better description. I think it uses the ear clipping algorithm if I remember.

I watched that stream of Shaun ages ago thinking that the quaternion program he made looked really cool - maybe next project :) I was also thinking one for the GJK algorithm.

I like your math website on your github. They were pretty hard questions for me haha

Edited by Oliver Marsh on
Hmm.. I don't see any Java applets on that page. Just plain JavaScript code.
Hi Martins,

I was using a program ( where you write the program in java and then it is translated to javascript as you load the page (not very efficient), but I was using it to get type checking.

I have tried to make java-applets in the past, but they don't seem to work as easily in the browser as the javascript ones.
Hi Martins,

I was using a program ( where you write the program in java and then it is translated to javascript as you load the page (not very efficient), but I was using it to get type checking.

I have tried to make java-applets in the past, but they don't seem to work as easily in the browser as the javascript ones.

Historically applets have had quite a few security problems. So nowadays people tend to use javascript+webgl for everything and browsers don't allow applets by default anymore.