The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

James Mickens on System Programming

If you haven't read this before... You gotta... Probably the best thing I've read all year.

Edited by Todd on
Please put more reasonable topic title. So people know what it is about without spending their time to realize they don't want (or do want) to read this. If everybody will start using topic titles like "omg.. this is must see" or "omg.. newest meme" this forum will become complete garbage. It's a basic forum etiquette to write a good topic title.
And definitely add more details in the post itself,

I really dislike this kind of clickbait. The only thing of substance in the post is the link, everything else is meaningless noise.
James Mickens is great to read, google him, there is more stuff out there, and videos!
James Mickens is great to read, google him, there is more stuff out there, and videos!

You're right. His Harvard page and bio are pretty great too! It seems he has done some research into cloud platforms and security.