The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Who's going to Core Dump?

I'm sure lots of folks here have seen this retweeted around:

It's the Handmade Con format, but with the Insomniac engine team. Rad, right?

So obviously I expect to see Dale there, but who else is going?
I saw this and was really interested, but being based in the UK it's not really practical for me to go. Does anyone know if this is going to be made available online like Handmade Con was? I couldn't see anything about that on their website.
That is a tough thing to justify when you're on the other side of the ocean :/

Seems like recordings are still up in the air:

I just landed in Burbank a couple of hours ago, if anybody's also here and is interested in grabbing dinner or whatever hit me up on here/PM/twitter. Otherwise Imma just sit in my hotel room or starbucks and code :)

Edited by drjeats on
Core Dump was fantastic. They were recording, and said the plan is to upload video. The first day went pretty much according to the schedule on the Eventbrite page, but then on the second day they invited people from other studios to join the interviews/panels.

Geoff Evans took good notes for each panel (also lists the speakers and which company they're from):
Core Dump was fantastic. They were recording, and said the plan is to upload video.

Perfect, these were the two things I was hoping to hear! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the recording.
I _really_ hope he posts audio.
Mike wrote a recap and they started posting videos.

They lost audio for the last four talks on day 1 Fortunately day 2 has everything, because day 2 was really good.

youtube-dl has an --extract-audio option, doesn't it? I haven't tried, but I assume there's some way to automate that without too much headache.

Edited by drjeats on
You can get only audio stream with youtube-dl. Just run "youtube-dl -F URL" to display available streams. Few of them are audio only, then select it by running "youtube-dl -f NUM URL"