The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam just concluded. See the results.
Virtual graph paper to plan your space.

About Playout - Room Layout Editor

Every once in a while when I'm rearranging the furniture in my living room, office, or garage, I reach for a sheet of graph paper. I draw the outline of the room, then make paper cutouts of each piece of furniture to scale, so that I can move them freely around the room until I find a layout I like.

Existing tools tend to either be more heavyweight, leaning toward CAD modeling, which can be distracting, or not full-featured enough. I'd like to hit the sweet spot in the middle, providing a quick and easy way to start sketching without feeling it feeling like a chore.

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Recent Activity

&playout Day 3 - After successfully ignoring several additional warts discovered in my GUI layer, I implemented what could be called an MVP for a room layout tool - I can add, remove, scale, rotate, and name objects, so technically I could actually use this to lay out a room! As I'm fond of saying, "It may not be viable, but it sure is minimum"

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&playout Day 2 - 1 hour of implementing Open and Save, 3.5 hours of ✨surprise major refactoring✨ after realizing my GUI system didn't handle tree modifications properly (e.g. adding/removing the [MODIFIED] tag at the bottom)

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First day of the jam - Playout is a room layout editor, like when you use graph paper and little labeled cutouts to plan where you're going to put the furniture in your room. Today I set up a new repo with a prebuilt platform/graphics layer, and a custom GUI system I made beforehand. I've got some basic stuff done: draw a grid, pan/zoom, move rectangles around. More to come!

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