An experiment with non-textual assembly programming

About Unnamed Assembler IDE

Disassemblers have longed been able to display assembly as a control-flow graph, with the ability to switch syntax. What if you could also write assembly that way? Let's store instructions in a syntax-independent way, while also preserving links between code-blocks.

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Recent Activity

Got both step-into and step-over working in my &assembler project

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My assembler can now open and read a file
Just a matter of time until I can write something useful with it


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I haven't posted an update in a while, but since my project in on topic with the jam, here is how my assembler looks like today, sped up x2, so you wouldn't have to watch me thinking through the instructions.
The first thing in this clip is me creating a new namespace, which is the newest feature I have just implemented.


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