The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 3 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

v0.52.4 release - Infinite undo/redo, SVG export, no unwanted intersections

Andrew Reece
Cast your mind back to previous actions. If only they weren't set in stone. If only they could be returned to and redone with your current knowledge of the task at hand...

Changes since the previous release
  • New data structure for actions allows infinite undos/redos, including before the file was opened
  • Arrow-key panning now accounts for zoom level
  • Speedup from no longer trying to draw shapes outside the screen
  • Intersections now only appear when moused over or when used as drawing points
  • Ability to export SVG - Ctrl + Shift + E
  • CRC32 check on file open
  • Better shape snapping previews
  • Assorted bug fixes
  • Assorted UI consistency improvements
Download directly or from the Geometer Github repo


Could you make a video (with or without comments) of you drawing something real (what you hope this program allows to draw, not just random lines and circles) ? I find geometer hard to use but maybe I'm missing something.

I can trigger an assert (geometer.c line 862) with the following steps:
- right click to create a point;
- right click to create another point;
- right click to create a third point;
- right click on one of the first two points.

It crash when:
- right click to create a point;
- right click to create another point;
- right click and hold (no dragging) on the first point, the release;
- right click on the second point.