Cactus Image Viewer version 2.2.0
New major feature!

  • Interactable thumbnail preview strip of current images in the folder (á la Picasa)
    This feature is inspired by Google Picasa, which had something like this, a non-intrusive UI strip of thumbnails at the bottom that provided a nice overview of the images in the folder and allows you to jump between files visually. This feature is toggleable in the settings.
    Other new additions:
  • Added .ppm support through #42, thanks @hkva for the great work!

You can get it here:

Some technical info:
I create one big “thumbs” texture and loop retro- and prograde from the file index through the file list on a separate thread and use WIC to generate a thumbnail of fixed size and centered zoom (WIC has a nice interface for all of this) for each image, and periodically update this texture on the GPU, fixed size grid. Upon folder change, I overwrite on the same texture. This also necessitated introducing UI culling to only draw what’s on the screen which otherwise would’ve been a major bottleneck for folders with too many files. Good thing was culling was just one added if statement before rendering.
