so I am trying to create Qt's qml, but from scratch. for learning purposes but also I think it would be cool if it was an option to use qml without Qt

This is the qml, that produces this output:

Item {
    Rectangle {
        x: red.x - 5
        y: red.y - 5
        width: 150
        height: 100
        color: "#333"

    Rectangle {
        id: red
        x: 55
        y: 55
        width: 150
        height: 100
        color: "#a22"

        MouseArea {
            id: red_mouse_area
            x: red.x
            y: red.y
            width: red.width
            height: red.height

    Text {
        text: "Hello World!"
        x: red.x
        y: red.y - height - 5
        height: 15

the c code only sets the red rectangle's location, the others follow automatically because the qml tells them to do so 😄

an_event_happened(void* user_data, struct event_t e)
    struct app_state_t* app_state = (struct app_state_t*)user_data;

    size_t red = engine_get_object_by_id(lol_engine(app_state->lol), "red");

    int64_t red_w = engine_object_width(lol_engine(app_state->lol), red);
    int64_t red_h = engine_object_height(lol_engine(app_state->lol), red);

    engine_object_set_x(lol_engine(app_state->lol), red, e.mouse_x - red_w/2);
    engine_object_set_y(lol_engine(app_state->lol), red, e.mouse_y - red_h/2);