Starting on a top down game again. There's a game convention next year so I'm using that as something to work towards. Thought I'd show things as I go. Here I've got the json save/load level working using tinyfiledialogs library for opening the save/open dialog window. Thought this would be a bit more user friendly than using a in-game console. It saves to a mock-json format for each entity and tile in the world. The file I saved looks something like this { id: "1725057927-2019344589-292950135" idHash: -2140098387 type: "ENTITY_PLAYER" pos: 0.000000 -0.014167 10.000000 } { type: "ENTITY_TILE_MAP" tileType: "TILE_SET_SWAMP" pos: -1.000000 4.000000 0.000000 tileMapId: 4 1 }. Chose this format instead of binary format while making the game so would be alot less hassle when new fields are added to the entities.