The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Feature Request: Paging Model is just a terrible user experience

The "click page number" to see more posts is a really out-dated navigation model. While we don't necessarily need infinite scrolling, like, even a link at the bottom to "show more posts" or "go to next page" would be significantly better than what we have today.

Edited by Matt Mascarenhas on Reason: Marking as resolved
I agree.

Perhaps even being able to choose, in profile, how many topics to show at a time? DeviantArt does a similar thing.

Would it be a hard thing to implement?
Not hard things to add, just require time. We'll be improving this as per your suggestions and our own ideas soon. We just put in the simplest thing with required functionality as a first pass.

As for infinite scrolling, it always feels flaky to me. I'll have to experiment and see if I can make a non-flaky user experience for that.

Edited by Andrew Chronister on
I've added prev/next buttons on the ends of the pagination, as a stopgap.