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513 posts
Formatting derped up
When I put in mesh.id in the code block it got replaced by some kind of uuid

    mesh_data d = load_mesh_data( mesh. id );

without the space between the dot and id:

    mesh_data d = load_mesh_data( mesh.id );

Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Formatting derped up
Edited by Jeroen van Rijn on
When I put in mesh.id in the code block it got replaced by some kind of uuid

    mesh_data d = load_mesh_data( mesh. id );

without the space between the dot and id:

    mesh_data d = load_mesh_data( mesh.id );

Cool beans. I'll have a look at it tomorrow.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
Formatting derped up
This is fun.
mesh.name also does something strange:
513 posts
Formatting derped up
This is fun.
mesh.name also does something strange:

Yeah I hit that one as well when typing up the history of vertex data post, naming is hard...
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Formatting derped up
When I put in mesh.id in the code block it got replaced by some kind of uuid

    mesh_data d = load_mesh_data( mesh. id );

without the space between the dot and id:

    mesh_data d = load_mesh_data( mesh.id );

Alright, this is fixed. I'll now start reparsing all of the posts in the background, so existing posts with this bug will be properly formatted without needing to be edited.

This fix does disable linking up urls in code blocks, so if you have a url a bug report or some documentation in your code block for example, that url will now no longer be linked up. I could've made this fix such that urls were still linked in code blocks, but that would've been a much more involved rewrite of the highlighter and considering the upcoming move to MarkDown, I didn't think that would be a good use of my time right now.