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[request] Mark episodes as watched

Sorry if this request is too specific to the Handmade Hero project but I couldn't find a better place to post.

I had started watching Handmade Hero a little over a year ago and started from the beginning, occasionally jumping ahead to topics of interest, but mostly watching in order. I then took a long break and hadn't watched any videos for quite a while, and when I came back I had to spend a bunch of time figuring out which episodes I hadn't watched and where I had got up to. I think it would be really helpful if there was some method of marking an episode as watched.

Edited by Nora Baldwin on Reason: Initial post
Yes I thought this as well. Just a check box would be great.
Yeah, this would be great. It's a while since I last (vaguely) thought about it, but I'm fairly sure I figured that handling this kind of thing - essentially, viewer-personalised info - would be outside the scope of Cinera and depend on the infrastructure (member database) of its host site. However, perhaps for this one I could just use a cookie? I haven't learnt how to use them yet, but assume they could be used to track this kind of information...

Either way, it's now on the TODO list!
Not sure how this works, but on other sites when I watch youtube embedded videos they all show up in history of my YouTube account (if I have been logged in when I was watching it).

Not sure why this doesn't happen with YT videos here. Maybe different way how they are embedded?
Hm, I don't think a cookie would quite cut it since they will occasionally get cleared and don't persist across devices. Especially when a main use case is when someone comes back after a long time it seems highly likely that the cookies won't cut it. I agree that this probably wouldn't be something that Cinera would be able to manage alone. I don't know how the member database is set up and how (or even if) it communicates with Cinera, but that would likely be the best place to put this sort of info.
Cinera outputs a bunch of static HTML pages which we then integrate into the site template.
It would take some doing to integrate it more deeply than this to the point where we can track episodes as if they were forum threads. I'm not saying we don't do it, but it's a bit of a low priority at this point in time.

I'll talk it over with Miblo to see if he can add something to make this deeper integration a bit easier.
Oh interesting, @mmozeiko, I'll look into getting them tracked in the YouTube history as a partial solution. (I didn't realise this kind of thing happened, probably because I tend to use mpv to watch embedded videos, which I believe has the side-effect of sending no data to YouTube, and also rarely check out my YouTube viewing history anyway!)

Yeah, agreed to ditch the cookie idea, @linike860. Setting up a line of communication between the host site and Cinera to let them access and modify each other's databases (think REST API, except it needn't be networked, so maybe via a Unix socket or something) seems to me the way I'd like to try and do this. Each "Network Edition-capable" host site - i.e. one that has a member base - would merely need to define whatever operations we'd need to operate on their member database, whatever db format they use, and put these definitions in their Cinera config.

And yep, @Kelimion, I also appreciate that this, as a new feature, is a low priority in HMN's current phase of development.
Alright, thanks to @AsafG's suggestion in IRC, I think we have a workable single-device solution:

It uses CSS's :visited pseudo-class to alter the ticks' colour.

I'll still investigate @mmozeiko's YouTube history idea for the multiple-device partial solution.
Just wanted to pitch in real quick and say that I also like the idea of having it remember what I watched, cross-device.