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Martin Fouilleul
39 posts / 3 projects
PhD student at Ircam, doing research on programming languages for temporal interaction. Former sound engineer and computer music designer.
Phishing / spamming attempts
Edited by Martin Fouilleul on Reason: Initial post
Maybe we should think of a way to address these advertising/phishing/spamming posts that pop up every now and then on the forums. Even though they are clearly identifiable as such, I feel this could give a very bad and mistaken opinion of the website to someone just discovering it and seeing these posts.

I'm confident that they are deleted as soon as a moderator sees them, but we could try to prevent them, maybe by reviewing the first few posts of a user prior to their publication ? Don't know if it's doable or if it would be too much work for the moderators ?

Anyway, keep up the good work !

Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
Phishing / spamming attempts
Something along those lines is indeed planned.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
Phishing / spamming attempts
But what about my fake drivers license or visa?