After discussing this matter, the team and I have agreed that it is best to allow users to remove the threads that they have created. While we realize this can produce some occasional negative side effects like not allowing important information and lessons to remain persistently available, we feel that a user's freedom to control their own posts and, in general, their online presence is more important. At the end of the day, both possibilities include biting one bullet or another, but we've decided to stick with the original decision to allow users to delete their own threads.
This all being said, there is an avenue available for users to create persistently available information for the site: The Wiki. If you find a bit of information from a forum thread particularly valuable, I recommend creating a Wiki post explaining that information, so that the information can remain available to users of the site, but the connection between that information and a user's thread is severed, so that the thread creator can maintain control over their own posts.
Hopefully this is understandable; let me know if you have any additional questions.