The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Jam Submission - Near, a file explorer with interesting ideas


the project

Our idea for the jam was to experiment with how we viewed files, by allowing the displayed structure to deviate from the actual structure of the filesystem. Within the timeframe of the jam, we implemented 'virtual transformations' for:

  • viewing sub-directories inline
  • flattening deep folder hierarchies
  • viewing slices of the filesystem - searching without affecting structure
  • creating collabsible groups of files

flatten.gif ^ flattening

OCtR77E4Mz.gif ^ slicing

grouping.gif ^ grouping

the future

The result of the jam demonstrates the foundational principles for our project. Ultimately, our internal represenation of the tree held us back from further experimentation as it became increasingly fragile. Without jam deadlines, we now how the potential to find a more natural structure that will allow us to push further into the space and explore more ways of transforming and displaying file structures. An emphasis will also have to be placed on making it into a usable file manager by polishing and extending the actual file management features, which are currently somewhat lacking.

Edited by tomthornt0n on Reason: spelling

It's not clear to me what the slicing part is (with the gif looping I don't know what is the start of the clip, if that even matters).

Is it that when you do a search, the result isn't a flat list of files, instead it still shows the tree structure to get to the file ?

Yes, you are correct - 'slicing' just filters the displayed files without affecting the structure. It probably wasn't the best example to demo it combined with the flattening, as there wasn't really any structure to show being preserved.

Replying to mrmixer (#25285)