We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
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Jay Waggle
10 posts
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Here's something that I've found somewhat annoying: User names are case-sensitive. For example, I cannot log in by typing "zedzull" (all lowercase), I have to type "ZedZull".

Profile page links are like this as well. https://dev.handmadedev.org/m/ZedZull and https://dev.handmadedev.org/m/ChronalDragon take me where I expect them to, but https://dev.handmadedev.org/m/zedzull and https://dev.handmadedev.org/m/chronaldragon redirect to the 404 page.
Jeroen van Rijn
248 posts
A big ball of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey _stuff_
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Here's something that I've found somewhat annoying: User names are case-sensitive. For example, I cannot log in by typing "zedzull" (all lowercase), I have to type "ZedZull".

Profile page links are like this as well. https://dev.handmadedev.org/m/ZedZull and https://dev.handmadedev.org/m/ChronalDragon take me where I expect them to, but https://dev.handmadedev.org/m/zedzull and https://dev.handmadedev.org/m/chronaldragon redirect to the 404 page.

Indeed. That's considered a feature until I fix it, which ought to be before launch tomorrow.
57 posts
So you're probably here to find some information about what I've done, what I am doing and what sort of person I am right? well... Good luck!
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
On the homepage with the activity feed, there is a sort of visual break or off-alignment with the project cards on the side. This may appear to the users as if the project cards are placed incorrectly. so I would say do either of the 2 suggestions in the picture. or come up with a third :P

Josh Filstrup
14 posts / 1 project
beep boop
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
On the homepage with the activity feed, there is a sort of visual break or off-alignment with the project cards on the side. This may appear to the users as if the project cards are placed incorrectly. so I would say do either of the 2 suggestions in the picture. or come up with a third :P

I agree, and would prefer suggestion #2.
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
It is done
David Owens II
69 posts
A software engineer that enjoys living in enemy territory.
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Firstly, good job on the website. Fast load times, great design (dat "HANDMADE" header! *drools*), and no-hassle input textboxes.
2. Enable markdown. I absolutely love markdown, and I think a lot of other devs will also be more used to it rather than the current [] notation for text input.

+1 on the markdown. Also, the editor is very laggy; it cannot keep up with my typing speed.

Also, I can see the "new blog post" button. I can even write one... but no idea what happened to it.

Browser: Safari, Version 9.1 (11601.5.17.1)

It's slightly better in Chrome: Version 50.0.2661.86 (64-bit).
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Edited by Andrew Chronister on

+1 on the markdown. Also, the editor is very laggy; it cannot keep up with my typing speed.

Also, I can see the "new blog post" button. I can even write one... but no idea what happened to it.

Browser: Safari, Version 9.1 (11601.5.17.1)

It's slightly better in Chrome: Version 50.0.2661.86 (64-bit).

Huh, I haven't experience speed issues in any of my test browsers -- text appears as quickly as I can type it (even mashing keys). Let me see if I can get my hands on Safarai to try and repro, or failing that, a slower computer.

In the meantime, you should be able to disable Javascript on that page and the box will be equivalent to a native textbox.
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
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Edited by Andrew Chronister on
Okay, I've acquired a slightly older version of Safari (5.1.7) and am running it on Wine in a linux VM. I think I see what you mean about the speed issues. Trying to see what I can do about that now.

Jeroen: quote issue:
Quote 1 outer
[quote]Quote 2 inner
Quote 1 outer

Unquoted text
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
owensd: According to Safari's own profiler, I'm spending only microseconds in my key event handlers. If there are stalls, it must be on safari's side, and there's very little I can do about that.

Allen Webster
476 posts / 7 projects
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Edited by Allen Webster on
Looks like the scroll bar isn't position correctly on the homepage now.

Was true on Chrome and Firefox
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Edited by Andrew Chronister on
Looks like the scroll bar isn't position correctly on the homepage now.

Was true on Chrome and Firefox

3 posts
Ands is a Programmer and Game Designer from Münster, Germany. He is finishing his Masters degree in Computer Science at the WWU, specialized on Computer Graphics and Game Engines.
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Hey, awesome site :)
This looks far cooler than I expected!
Sorry that I'm testing it just now.

Here are a few things I've noticed:
- I can't upload new project logos for any theme.
- For some reason I can't upload a particular 1.08MB image. The server gives me the following error message: "413 Request Entity Too Large"
- Animated GIFs are usually larger than 2.5MB.
- When I remove my optional real name, the project page doesn't list me as a developer.
- For some reason the colors of uploaded images change (slightly, but very noticeable in our case) if displayed in the browser (chrome). Any idea why this happens? Is it scaling them poorly?
- Some images on https://dev.handmadedev.org/p/hero/f/game-discussion/t/706 seem to be way to big for the new theme.
Andrew Chronister
194 posts / 1 project
Developer, administrator, and style wrangler
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Hey, awesome site :)
This looks far cooler than I expected!
Sorry that I'm testing it just now.

Don't be sorry, we need the testing :)


- I can't upload new project logos for any theme.

Try refreshing the page after doing the upload. We still need to do the caching pass, so it might be serving up the old version of the settings page / project page.


- For some reason I can't upload a particular 1.08MB image. The server gives me the following error message: "413 Request Entity Too Large"
- Animated GIFs are usually larger than 2.5MB.

The former may be due to server configuration settings, I'll ask Jeroen to take a look at it. As for the latter -- we're a bit pressed for space right now (not to the point where it's worrying, but limited nonetheless) so we're setting the limits fairly low to start with. We may be able to add support for screenshots hosted on external sites in the short term to allow that kind of content.


- When I remove my optional real name, the project page doesn't list me as a developer.

I've just pushed an update which should hopefully fix this. Let me know if it's still broken (and send a screenshot).


- For some reason the colors of uploaded images change (slightly, but very noticeable in our case) if displayed in the browser (chrome). Any idea why this happens? Is it scaling them poorly?

Browsers are notoriously bad at handling sRGB. It may be double-applying gamma transformations or applying them where other software doesn't, or using a different curve. I've noticed this in a lot of different places. Unfortunately there's not much I can do about it, especially considering different browsers handle it differently.


- Some images on https://dev.handmadedev.org/p/hero/f/game-discussion/t/706 seem to be way to big for the new theme.

Fixed by limiting image width to 100%. I think we might want to consider automatically giving large images links so that you can click to see the full thing, or wrapping them in a div so that a scrollbar can be added.

Thanks for the feedback!
Kyle Devir
32 posts
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
Edited by Kyle Devir on
Hey Handmade Dev team,

Gushing over the website design so far. Love the style! Very encouraging for my own project ideas. ;)

Just found a minor issue: when I'm page 3 of this thread, when I try to go to page 2 via the link, I get this error:

Doesn't occur when I go to page 1 and can go to page 2 on page 1 without issues.
Sergio González
35 posts / 1 project
I'm working on Milton, a paint program with infinite canvas. My mom thinks I'm awesome.
The Handmade.Network Feedback Megathread!
First off - Let me say like everyone else that the site looks absolutely gorgeous. Kudos!

Now for the bug report - Is anyone else having problems uploading? I'm trying to upload my installer. I am getting the error: 413 Request Entity Too Large. It's a 1.2MB EXE