Hey, awesome site :)
This looks far cooler than I expected!
Sorry that I'm testing it just now.
Don't be sorry, we need the testing :)
- I can't upload new project logos for any theme.
Try refreshing the page after doing the upload. We still need to do the caching pass, so it might be serving up the old version of the settings page / project page.
- For some reason I can't upload a particular 1.08MB image. The server gives me the following error message: "413 Request Entity Too Large"
- Animated GIFs are usually larger than 2.5MB.
The former may be due to server configuration settings, I'll ask Jeroen to take a look at it. As for the latter -- we're a bit pressed for space right now (not to the point where it's worrying, but limited nonetheless) so we're setting the limits fairly low to start with. We may be able to add support for screenshots hosted on external sites in the short term to allow that kind of content.
- When I remove my optional real name, the project page doesn't list me as a developer.
I've just pushed an update which should hopefully fix this. Let me know if it's still broken (and send a screenshot).
- For some reason the colors of uploaded images change (slightly, but very noticeable in our case) if displayed in the browser (chrome). Any idea why this happens? Is it scaling them poorly?
Browsers are notoriously bad at handling sRGB. It may be double-applying gamma transformations or applying them where other software doesn't, or using a different curve. I've noticed this in a lot of different places. Unfortunately there's not much I can do about it, especially considering different browsers handle it differently.
- Some images on seem to be way to big for the new theme.
Fixed by limiting image width to 100%. I think we might want to consider automatically giving large images links so that you can click to see the full thing, or wrapping them in a div so that a scrollbar can be added.
Thanks for the feedback!