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27 posts
FBX File Loading
Had a slight digression today while working on some 3D stuff and took a look at the FBX file format. I had been using OBJ just for basic stuff but decided it was time to look at formats that can support more than what OBJ can do. I took a look at the file format and decided it was easy enough to get done pretty quickly and wrote this. I am thinking about polishing it up into a stb-style library, until then I figured I would share what I have done so far. Feel free to speak up if you have a code suggestion or whatever.

27 posts
FBX File Loading
Decided to upload my obj loader as well. This one is already in an stb style.
513 posts
FBX File Loading
I'd prefer iqm to obj. For one it's in binary, second it doesn't require nearly as much processing even disregarding that; you can basically dump the data straight into a VBO without having to mess with reordering and deduplicating the texture/normal data.

27 posts
FBX File Loading
I'd prefer iqm to obj. For one it's in binary, second it doesn't require nearly as much processing even disregarding that; you can basically dump the data straight into a VBO without having to mess with reordering and deduplicating the texture/normal data.


Interesting, will have to have a play around with that.