The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info

Potentially helpful tool for the C/C++ programmers here

Hadn't seen this link for a memory-debugger pop up in the forums so I figured i'd pass it along.

Haven't had a reason to actually use it yet, but it certainly looks impressive.
Looks very impressive...
Looks very impressive...

Indeed. Reminds me of that "rant" Casey had in on of the Q&A or pre stream sessions about how debuggers should help visualize the data of the program etc.
Although at this point in time, I think it would be quite confusing to use when looking at a lot of nested data and accessing different pointers.
Though to be fair, Visual Studio has very similar problems and is a finished product.
There is DDD debugger which is frontend for GDB and others:
Its focus is representing data structures visually in various ways. For example, here's how linked lists look like in DDD:
There is DDD debugger which is frontend for GDB and others:
Its focus is representing data structures visually in various ways. For example, here's how linked lists look like in DDD:

Interesting. I don't use GDB at the moment, but might be worth to try out.