I'm starting a channel called "3D Graphics From Scratch"

Hello all. I am doing a series of tutorials on 3D graphics. I'm planning to start off with procedural then start out from there. Like the title implies, the series emphasizes on doing the 3D graphics from scratch. If you are interested, you can try follow along. If you have some specific topics that you want me to cover, you can leave it in the thread and I can try accommodate. I have a long list of things I want to teach and you can look forward to that.

I might not be the most articulate person, or the most knowledgeable, but I feel that there's a lack of "from scratch" style tutorials out there. So I want to contribute by sharing what I know, even though it might be very limited.

Here's the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVdudkkjF_-oUKKRsttlS2w/videos.

Edited by Chen on Reason: Initial post
Awesome, something I'll definitely be checking out. I like that the videos are half an hour range. Massive streams are sometimes hard to watch.

Edited by Oliver Marsh on
Great will be following for sure.

I just checked the channel ... maybe you should rename it Ray-tracing from scratch?

Edited by Raytio on
Hi GodRatio:

I won't just be doing raytracing. I will also do other stuff, such as a software renderer or some interesting 2D image synthesis. It's just that raytracing probably will take up the bulk of the content because I love it so much :P
Hi Chen thats cool. Do what you love