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Informal meetup in Paris

[EDIT :]
1st event finished, Thursday the 17th 2019, 5 people attended.
2nd event finished, 11th of june 2020, 2 people.

Next event :
October 15th at 19h on discord.

[original message for reference]
Hello everyone,
would there be anyone motivated for an informal meetup in Paris this month ?

Edited by albatros on
Hello albatros,

I would be interested (I work in Paris and live close), whether it is this month or later. We're already in the middle of the month, so I'm not sure we can expect people to not have other plans for the rest of the month, but we'll see :)
You're right that I've been a little bit too optimistic with just a 15 days buffer.

Let's say for now, as a shot in the dark :
17th Thursday of October at 19h in a place to be defined near chatelet ?

(For this I'm actually available from 18h30 on week-day and anytime on week-end, if you prefer some other time/day/place don't hesitate, the idea is just to get something going) :)

Edited by albatros on
Hello !

I would definitely be interested ! October 17th works great for me. Did you have an idea about a specific place ? I work at Ircam, next to Centre Pompidou, so I know a few cafés there, but Chatelet is also super convenient.
Nice, we're literally getting somewere :)

If you know an appropriate place near Centre Pompidou, then I'm glad to let you decide for a place :)

There's for example La Comédie, rue de la Reynie, they have a room upstairs where it's generally a bit quieter, so it may be a good place to talk. Otherwise, Le Brise-Miche, place Stravinsky, or the Brooklyn, rue Quicampoix, are good candidates too.

I can probably join a Parisian meetup on Oct 17.

(Note that Indiecade starts on Oct 18, also in Paris, interesting display of indie games & conferences)
I think we can validate for meeting at La Comédie, rue de la Reynie. It seems like a good place :)

@Omar, That would be awesome !
I confirm I will come on October 17th at 19h at La Comédie.
Great ! :D
Friendly remainder to fire your rss feeds
We'll be meeting this week.

Thursday the 17th, at 7pm.

La Comédie, rue de la Reynie. (near the Chatelet station).
75004 PARIS

And for the lurkers out there, there's still room. Don't hesitate to pass by :)
Hello there,

From what i gathered on the discord, seems there is will to make another meetup in paris. So, let's go.
Last one was already quite a success with 5 participants, very interesting exchanges, and some very nice tips were shared.

I propose we choose between theses three dates for meeting up :
Thursday 23 of april (the last week before our big wave of public holiday)
Thursday 14 of may (the closest week of may without public holiday)
Thursday 11 of june (our first week after the big wave of public holiday)

I'm not very attach to any of theses dates, it's just so we can get the ball rolling. Don't hesitate to add a date to the mix if thuesday is difficult for you.

I'm ok to do this even if we end up as just two people, but if you prefer you can confirm your presence with the condition that we have x people coming.

Here is a link to the poll :
the expiration date is on 22 april, so those who would have to buy a train ticket get at least a 1 month delay.

I guess we could just use the same location as last time :
La Comédie, rue de la Reynie. (near the Chatelet station).
75004 PARIS

I'm editing the OP with lastest infos.
Can't wait to see how it will go :)

Edited by albatros on

Might be able to join this meetup!

I'm 100% sure I want to come but might not be possible due to the border being closed.
I would be thrilled to have you come Kreco :)

Yeah, the thread started before confinement was decided, so it was not taken into account at the time.
Any idea of a date you would be confident the borders would be open for you ?

(Guntha pointed on the discord that given that the kids should be going back to school around the 4th of may, so maybe the borders for France will re-open around the same time ?)