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Manticore Games Demo


I spoke with Manticore Games recently. They visited Handmade Seattle, and showed an interest in inviting some of the game-specific project creators to their private CORE Alpha. Just recently, I managed to have that invitation extended to the Handmade community.

If you're interested, here's the sign-up form tailored for us. Note that I don't get paid or sponsored. My conference is independent, so this is an optional networking type of thing.

See you around,

P.S. Their demo is impressive, but I had to sign an NDA so as to not divulge how it works. That may or may not be the requirement for the alpha as well. Thankfully the agreement is straightforward to read, but if you're asked to sign it and don't want to, simply decline and wait for the public release.

Edited by Abner Coimbre on Reason: Initial post
This is a game engine then? Does a have a certain style that fits with the "Handmade " approach? Not trying to bash, just trying to figure out if I would be interested at all.
Their latest blog post, though buzz-wordy, should have more details.

Even if their CORE product doesn't follow a Handmade approach, I would encourage the community to engage not only here, but with the broader game development industry and elsewhere. We can be helpful by encouraging engineers to consider things we value, even if they're not low-level programmers.

As a vague example, during their demo, Manticore Games was receptive to my questions about various levels of granularity and depth (and whether those properties were being exposed to users.) They seemed to appreciate that line of questioning, since it was framed about whether one is adding value to the audience: increased control, configuration, understanding, etc.

Anyway, I didn't intend to preach to you! Your question about whether it would interest you personally is completely valid.