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235 posts
algebra solvers
Edited by Jason on
I was watching day 376 today and around 1:06:13 (
) Casey started search for an algebra solver. In the end, he tried a few but couldn't find one that seemed to work. I was wondering if anyone here uses a solver that works for them? In the stream he mentioned mathematica (which is fairly expensive) so I was wondering if there was a cheaper one out there? Or if mathematica is worth the price?

P.S. I would be using it for game development purposes and the ones Casey looked at were sagemath, YACAS and one other one that just looked awful. His reason for not using sage math was because it needed to use a virtual machine? So he never actually tried it.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
algebra solvers
Edited by Mārtiņš Možeiko on
SageMath is very popular open-source one: https://www.sagemath.org/ It is collection of many open-source software in one package. For algebra solvers it can use Maxima, SymPy and few others.
In one of my previous companies there were researchers that were using SageMath for math-related calculations professionally.

235 posts
algebra solvers
SageMath is very popular open-source one: https://www.sagemath.org/ It is collection of many open-source software in one package. For algebra solvers it can use Maxima, SymPy and few others.
In one of my previous companies there were researchers that were using SageMath for math-related calculations professionally.

Cool, okay. I guess Casey just needed to give it more of a chance. I'll check it out.