The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
Martijn Courteaux's Avatar
Martijn Courteaux
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Recent Activity

Made a tiny utility to merge 2 SRT files into an ASS file for dual language subtitles (one top, one bottom). Features character encoding conversion, and automagic synchronization of the two subtitles tracks.

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Here is a video demo of SFincludes. I just used it today again!

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While working on SilverNode (, I found myself spending a lot of timing fixing include statements after reorganising my C/C++ source/header files into new directories. So long ago, I started SFincludes, but today I think it's ready to be shown to the public.

Introducing SFincludes, the tool for automatically fixing your #include statements after project reorganisation! Check out the quick introduction on the GitHub page:

If you try it, be aware to always first make a backup (e.g., git commit) of your work, before you disabling the dry-run. Enjoy! 😄

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It's been stupidly long since I posted an update on SilverNode. This screenshot doesn't show much new things, but I have redone the shader that does the color processing. It's cleaner and produces nicer results. More work to be done on the color processing still.

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This project dates from 2009. I was 13 years old then. 😮 A fan of Braid, and was trying to recreate it. All made in Java Swing (because I didn't know anything else). 😛

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The first part shows some Blender-inspired keybindings for tweaking Exposure (E), Temperature (T), and Tint (Shift-T) of the Color Correction aspect of the edit. After color correction, a preset is chosen. Presets preview when you hover over them with the cursor: notice how also the sliders and curves on the right panel preview the preset parameters. Finally after selected the preset where the foliage shifts color to red, the curve is edit to add some extra contrast.

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Started working on multiple selection in SilverNode. This will allow for some powerful batch editing abilities.

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Extremely fast thumbnail loading in SilverNode. This is will get even faster in the future!

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My custom CSS style for; it's been there for a couple years now, but I thought it might be worth sharing here as well.

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#SilverNode devlog 002 is out! New effects! HSL, Local Contrast, Shadows & Highlights, ...

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SilverNode devlog #001 is out!

  • Early version of Auto Editing
  • Split Toning / Color Balance Wheels
  • Grid Improvements

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