The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
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WIP: A builtin profiler for my GDB frontend, gf. Here I demo how to integrate the profiler into an existing project, the Odin compiler.

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Working on some cool features for everybody's favourite GDB frontend 😎

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Setup for a button with 3 states, idle, hovered and pressed

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Running on Windows, Essence and Linux :distHappy:

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Changing the UI scaling factor on the fly. UI scaling is done properly, rather than emulating it at render time, so layout and input are still pixel perfect.

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I have made the simplest possible video editor: drag files onto the window, and it'll either concatenate them into a single video, or batch convert them to a different format. (Requires ffmpeg)

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Made a basic Font Book application! 😃 (Using a couple random fonts from Google Fonts)

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Building Essence on Essence :distHappy:

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Added a thumbnail view to File Manager! Developed live on stream, see #streams for VOD =)

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Wrote a markdown viewer this evening, using the fantastic parsing library md4c,

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Added inline textboxes for EsListView. It's as simple as calling EsListViewCreateInlineTextbox, and then responding to the ES_MSG_TEXTBOX_EDIT_END message.

Here it is demonstrated in File Manager, renaming a file:

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Window resizing in Essence now has no visible artefacts and no flicker.

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My GDB frontend for Linux now has a watch window 🥳 There's also a new light theme for day-time debugging 🌞

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watching an vector icon being drawn, layer by layer

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zoom and pan in gf's bitmap viewer

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running with no (code) dependencies

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Syntax highlighting and line numbers in Text Editor.

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Inspecting virtual list views as items are dynamically created and destroyed #essence

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Started working on a UI inspector

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added a feature to my gdb frontend to automatically display the result of the last assignment

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Ported a game I made for Ludum Dare to Essence.

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Today I rewrote my GDB frontend, gf, using the GUI library I wrote yesterday, luigi. Compile with: g++ -o gf2 gf2.cpp -lX11 -pthread Features:

  • Call stack window
  • Terminal window
  • Breakpoints window
  • Command history
  • Tab completion
  • Keyboard shortcuts for common GDB commands
  • Full GDB functionality available through terminal
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I decided to write a barebones GUI library in C today! Supports Windows and Linux.

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