The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
A hobby OS project with the goal of being minimal but practical.

About TheOS

TheOS was started as a challenge I set for myself and ske, but has grown into something way bigger. TheOS has (so far) its own windowing system, a nice looking GUI, programming support in it with its own programming language BF (not to be confused with BrainF***), a drawing program, a filesystem that resembles FAT32, a terminal, and more.

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Recent Activity

Got my own spinning shaded donut implementation (poorly formatted but it is a donut) running in my own programming language in my own OS and kernel and bootloader on real hardware, and my NVMe driver is now many times faster. I feel this is my greatest project ever! If anyone wants src:
This is the new TheOS, so &theos

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Running my own programming language in my own OS/kernel! The output is the numbers after "Running BF file...", creating a "number triangle".
The program is stored as a file through my filesystem &theos

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Making a VGA driver for &theos, first step done, turning screen on/off (here it is done repeatedly)

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Moved &theos to use C++ instead of C, and planning it, from now on, to be fully terminal-based. Because GUIs are bloat, they disgust me.

So far it has a working command system and echo with pretty advanced arguments. Newer things printed = the higher they are. The "ERR: Command Not Found"s are when I misspelled echo.

I like this new look as well. But I want to hear your opinions on it. (Haven't pushed it to the git repo yet.) Oh, and it actually runs on real hardware now. Finally.

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