The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
A Computational Geometry Debugging Tool

About Prizm

Prizm is a tool for debugging computational geometry algorithms using a simple workflow:

  1. Write debug files using the obj format
  2. Inspect the files to find bugs

See the wiki for a tutorial/feature list.


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Recent Activity

Released Version 0.11.0, the changelog and binaries for windows and linux are on github (link). This version adds support for vertex colors following this convention.

Released Version 0.10.0, the changelog and binaries for windows and linux are on github (link). This version adds a Python API for authoring OBJ files with Prizm-specific extensions

Released Version 0.9.2, the changelog and binaries for windows and linux are on github. This version fixes some memory leaks, some where pretty bad so updating is recommended, that said even with versions prior to this one I have never had a debugging session run long enough that the leaks caused me to loose work.

Released Version 0.9.1, the changelog and binaries for windows and linux are on github. I also updated the GitHub wiki with a bunch of video tutorials which demo most of the features

Released Version 0.9.0, the changelog and binaries for windows and linux are on github