Handmade Network»Matija

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Released Version 0.9.2, the changelog and binaries for windows and linux are on github. This version fixes some memory leaks, some where pretty bad so updating is recommended, that said even with versions prior to this one I have never had a debugging session run long enough that the leaks caused me to loose work.

I published my computational geometry debugging tool, Prizm on Handmade Network, here is the project page. I've been working on various iterations of this tool for a few years, I restarted the it while working on Modelling Tools at Epic and the code belonged to them, but now they kindly agreed to open source it and this is my new repo 🙂 The README covers some ways its differentiated from similar tools and the wiki has a few short tutorial videos (1 to 2.5 mins in length) covering the main features. Here is a quick summary:

  • Load .obj geometry from files or folders, with an option to monitor and hot-reload changes.
  • Find and visualize bugs in awkwardly shaped meshes or amongst multiple meshes using a UI that helps you work fast.
  • Attach text annotations to various geometric elements and view them within Prizm.
  • Use console commands to process loaded geometry to help you tackle more complicated bugs.
  • Use an API, configured and accessed via the UI, to log .obj files from anywhere in your program.
  • The API supports working with the Unreal geometry library and I am planning similar support for other tools/libraries.
  • Prizm runs Linux and Windows and is distributed under the MIT license.

If you try it I'd be very interested in your feedback, which you could share right here, or in a DM, or on the Prizm Discord.

Released Version 0.9.1, the changelog and binaries for windows and linux are on github. I also updated the GitHub wiki with a bunch of video tutorials which demo most of the features

Released Version 0.9.0, the changelog and binaries for windows and linux are on github