Must be shader hot reloading weekend
Finished building out the translation gizmo, and the smaller cube in the corner is the start of building meshes with radial edge structure.
Did a bunch of work today, gizmo rendering, fancier wireframe shader, and gizmo selection
Debugging maths is fun with debug lines. Testing out ray-sphere intersection
This is the first time I've had a gameloop that outpaces QueryPerformanceCounter (even with 64bit float)
Testing out some different kinds of entities. Added jump pad, elevator, and a button
Made some pretty good progress these last few days. Got the basic entity system going, improved physics, billboard rendering, and now projectiles
I'm working on a FPS game. It has bindless vulkan rendering, obj mesh loading, and basic capsule collision detection/physics
I wrote my own static site generator in Go
After experimenting with using A* for connecting rooms, it didn't really appeal to me as something that would be fun due to it's tendency to want to move diagonally all the time. Naive tunneling feels better. Once FoV is added, I think it will feel even better
Kind hard to tell from the video, but I did a BSP tree for dungeon gen. Pretty happy with it, it's built in a flat array and with no recursion so it's pretty fast.
Published my Ludum Dare 48 game. Pretty happy with how the game turned out and that I am actually able to ship a a short but complete game. It's been many many years since I published something .
It's 2am, what else is there to do other than get normal maps and roughness map working with horrible programmer art :v_:
The void/black background kinda messes with the histogram, so having some sort of backdrop is a better example
I'm playing around with this setup of having a 64bit buffer that I render to, then do tonemap+gamma correct to the 32bit backbuffer. I understand it better after playing with the color values and exposure
Renamed "Frame Graph" to "Render graph", and made it a bit more capable
Got some hit markers, chicken is as strong as the player! Peek doesn't record audio, but I also got OpenAL working and have multiple sound effects going
Got some very rudimentary gameplay. I can "attack" the chicken, and it will aggro and chase the player
Been spending this week porting my game/engine to Odin. Day 4: pretty much the whole Vulkan backend is ported over at this point, and has been really cleaned up/simplified. Working on the higher-level rendering features, then onto gameplay stuff
Got around to properly calculating the normals, and made the cliff faces connect properly for smooth normals...not sure if I like it or not
Since I can how have flexible edges, I can create overhangs between layers
Added a NPC, have a very basic "navmesh", and server side path finding
I can even do height offsets for the "voxels" to add variation to the terrain. The floating parts you see are different layers, which will have vertical faces/"cliffs" between them
Got marching squares terrain gen working...just need to add vertical faces
My vulkan game/engine is coming along. Got terrain mesh generation via SDF, added some random art I grabbed of the internet for testing. Implemented sprite batching and just added basic lighting so my eyes don't get burned
vulkan is fast. 0.6ms per frame with renderdoc....0.35ms per frame without renderdoc
Previous week I implemented naive surface net mesh generation from voxels. This past week tho, I rewrote all my vulkan code to be way way more flexible. I'm very happy with how it turned out. Game facing code looks like this now:
Vulkan renderer is making slow but steady progress when I can find time to work on it. I now have texture mapping working
Not very exciting, but I'm making progress with vulkan rendering. Implemented depth testing and can now render regular geometry in addition to debug geometry. The normal geometry is offset from the debug because of perspective projection
Not much has changed since I last posted, but now I'm rendering with Vulkan!
Moved over to doing raytraced platforming physics...ignore the horrible ray drawing lol
I decided to scrap the idea of newtonian physics and just do less-fancy game physics.
Been working on collision detection. There's an invisible ramp of two triangles that I'm detecting collision and properly walking up