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&mmkay command line arguments with sensible defaults

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What do you do when you don't have #embed? Write a little bin2c-esque program in a couple days &mmkay

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I've been wanting to upgrade my static site to a dynamic one for a while. So I'm thinking of making a tool that lets you program a server with Lua. Step one, generating HTML from Lua tables.

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(Baba Is You OST – Rocket Is Dust – Arvi Teikari)

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I remember there was this one website where you could write javascript to produce sound samples. In this quick and dirty prototype, I've done that general concept, but with lua! I've always wanted a way to freely experiment with sound, so I have this while I'm yearning for rxi's cool program

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I was tired of being unable to casually print string slices. So I made a basic printf-like function that can. The power!

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The beginning of pretty error messages for &gateway. Errors do store line and column (and byte offsets!), but they are not yet displayed.

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I have some HTML coming out of the "compiler" for my experimental markup language, &gateway. Still, I gotta fully implement stuff like bold, italics, and lists.

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!til &gateway Trying to invent a markup language that is the opposite of Markdown. Utterly ugly, but unambiguous. It also has errors.

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