Handmade Network»Zeanith

Recent Activity

Episode 1001 of thanking Martins, but his d2d gist got me started on a d2d UI library in C

Managed to add a couple more features and got the hardware working since my last update. A lot went wrong during this jam, tried my best to find ways to compensate. What I'm most salty about is I filmed a cool "build vlog" of getting it working for the first time last night, unfortunately my PC isnt up to the task of editing the 4k footage (I didnt know it would struggle with that, new to video editing :owlofshame:), so all I can share is a short clip with no audio. Perhaps I'll get the video out some time after the jam. RIP. &zunderglow

Finally made some progress. Made a little enclosure in openscad for the receiver and got colour data updating from a raylib gui. &zunderglow

Progress on my long awaited journey to ditch dearimgui. Following solhsa guide on imgui implementation except using no libraries, only win32 api.

Implemented preview of leds for my led visualization project, after getting #help for my jank WASAPI backend

Forum reply: Handmade Webring
Forum reply: 4.0.29 panel sizes