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&zinc got individual doc pages working pretty nicely now! dynamically generating a toc from markdown (without additional annotation) and added in some nice styling for inline code and code blocks

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&zinc finally getting around to building the site/documentation for my engine (using 11ty)

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&zinc spent some time getting my coroutine system in a better place and added in the ability to pause/reset coroutines. also added in the ability to yield on tweens so you get a really nice api for doing tweened animation

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not directly zinc related though somewhat zinc related, happy to share here a sort of handmade-flavored podcast I'm starting where I interview creators about how they do data management in their games. if you want to hear people talk about serialization, binary formats, level data management, etc. I highly recommend listening to the show!

for the first episode I got to talk with mobile game legend arnold rauers of tinytouchtales all about his game geo gods (and card crawl, etc.). hope you all give it a listen (and share it!)

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&dinghy (renamed to zinc) finally stopped procrastinating and implemented a proper child/parent transfom system that can pass TRS down the "heirarchy"

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working on a better api for associating components with entities in my own engine by leveraging c# source generators to backfill partial classes with component member accessor properties:

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&dinghy reflecting object fields into bound imgui controls to live edit a particle system

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ended up taking a lot longer than expected but i finally got dearimgui working and binding properly through sokol into a dll that is being consumed in c# and it's all working nicely! &dinghy

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&dinghy got physics and particles in recently. particles aren't even special, each one is an entity with the ECS system and doesn't exhibit any slow down when spawning them.

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&dinghy wrote up a big blog post on the general tech stack for dinghy and where the engine is currently at!

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sokol + stb hooked up on the backend and all the code you need to do on the left is shown on the right

finally getting stuff worth showing for &dinghy - sokol + stb binding on the backend and wrapping it all up in a really simple 2D c# game framework (gif is choppy but you get the idea)

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working with sokol + sokol_gp and properly binding it all to c# for a game framework I'm working on (big thanks to :batmartins: )

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