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Mitya Selivanov
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I made some updates for the &saw music sequencer

  • UI rework. New font and icons, and now it works with touch screen as well as with mouse and keyboard.
  • Sampler instrument. You can drag & drop a WAV file and use it for the sampler. Also works in browser.
  • Microtonal tuning for the music sheet. Now you can see exact frequency of each note in the UI, and there is two tuning modes: equal temperament (pen icon), pythagorean tuning (feather icon). This is temporary until I implement the complete tuning UI. Also, you can directly edit note frequencies in the project file, which is just plain text.

Here is a quick demo drum beat; and an example of how the same 5th interval sounds in different tuning modes. You can hear that in the pythagorean tuning there is no interference; in the equal temperament tuning there is very little interference; and the last one is "wolf fifth" with a lot of interference - worst case of the pythagorean tuning.

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&saw UI improvements. Added note placing sound as @daniel_hooper suggested. Also, now sheet duplicate on D key placed under the cursor.

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&saw works in the browser! Controls are not very convenient, because browser doesn't send input events when cursor is outside of the window. However, it's quite awesome how you can write same C code and it will work on any platform without extra adjustments. C is a true cross-platform language.

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New synth sounds: kick, square, sawtooth. Implemented track looping. Now project is automatically saved and can be loaded from a file. &saw

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Did some minor UI improvements. Added instrument settings UI, not all the settings work yet.You can hear how two identical tracks cancel each other out when stereo width is 0 and phases are opposite: 0 and 0.5. &saw

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Added piano roll panning, tracks composing, rewind. &saw

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I refactored the piano roll code, now I'm able to edit and play multiple tracks simultaneously. Also, added a font, so I can use text labels in UI. &saw

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Piano roll and playback control working. Candyman theme cover in &saw

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