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I've been playing with raddebugger's geo3d view rule while I sort out geometry intersections and triangle generation in my CAD app - it took a bit to set up right but it has quickly highlighted a few mistakes already!

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A few weeks ago I got frustrated with the CAD software I have access to, so I decide to make my own. I had no idea that you needed to know real I just started trying to read papers on the topic and after a few iterations have a little 2d constraint solver working. Definitely outside of my domain but really satisfying to see it working.

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My original video editor prototype has been slowly transforming into a broadcast graphics/video playout system. I've integrated a Blackmagic Decklink device that can interface with broadcast equipment (switchers, big LED walls, etc) via SDI to transmit uncompressed audio/video. Right now it's just playing out the device's HDMI to another monitor, but the concept is there. I managed to put together a very simple animation system last night which makes it much more fun to play around with.

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Using my newfound decoding knowledge I started working on a simple video editor. I also tried decoding 16 files at once, which didn't seem to bother my 3080 at all.

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Huge thanks to @mmozeiko - I was able to get gpu accelerated h264 decoding working in Odin using the Media Foundation api with his help.

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This is my first jam - I decided to try and visualize how the string allocator that I am trying to write works (or doesn't). I spent most of this weekend trying to fix the allocator after I successfully visualized some of it's many I'd say this was a success!

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As your average artist that's constantly frustrated by software I have to use, I decided to write my own animation/playback app (imagine powerpoint and after effects combined) to see if I could do better. I've done a decent amount of 'scripting' in Adobe apps, and when covid hit I bucked down and taught myself Javascript...soon after I discovered handmade hero and basically went of the deep end. C and I didn't work out, but when I found Odin...

This is my first real low-level app - I started working on it about 3 months ago, and this week's project was to replace my dear imgui implementation with something completely custom.

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