Our(@samhsmith @philliptrudeau @sanjacobs) Game "Wheely Ball League", is coming along very well. If you'd like to play with us when we publicly launch the online multiplayer on Monday you can join our Discord server. https://discord.gg/fnKegabhE8
Our(@samhsmith @philliptrudeau @sanjacobs) Game "Wheely Ball League", is coming along very well. If you'd like to play with us when we publicly launch the online multiplayer on Monday you can join our Discord server. https://discord.gg/fnKegabhE8
I made a static document format for Serenum. Featuring @sanjacobs 's blog. https://youtu.be/6MGcS4wRdyw
Serēnum Release 7 adds Wifi support. Took me 4 months but it's finally done. &serenum
I did a mega discussion with @philliptrudeau about the design of internet transport and my plans for rebuilding the internet. &serenum
Window Manager Update for Serenum! &serenum https://youtu.be/vnlzpE9G9Ck
I made a video about why I think explicit allocators lead to language design problems. https://youtu.be/PaynYH1FtRY
I'm currently working on a run menu for the Serenum Window Manager. (A run menu is like the start menu in windows but it doesn't show any ads.) &serenum
Implementing a Window Manager for Serenum without using Linux or Windows. All the development is happening using my Serenum. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1127582906773147822/1229778522487394425/20240416_150003.jpg?ex=6630eb7f&is=661e767f&hm=67ad82ee392b012b7ec197c3ddbccb71c0d8d668519a680dc94a8621661d6d04& &serenum
New Serenum Release. https://samhsmith.com/serenum/release_5/ &serenum
I made this video on parsing because there are so few good resources on the topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdlXBDHXqAs
I'm upgrading my Brevis compiler with SSA goodness. Surprisingly easy to do once you've removed the academic words. https://samhsmith.com/serenum/ &serenum
I made this youtube video which does not successfully capture the amount of work it took to produce this new release. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otm83HV1OII &serenum
Work has been done on Serenum. Very wandering video, but might be interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjbIdoJhPzA &serenum
After much pain, sacrifice and compromise I have implemented display mode switching for Serenum. In other words, the kernel can switch between outputting 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1440x1080. https://samhsmith.com/serenum &serenum
&serenum New renderer for the serenum editor. SIMD is used both for rendering and diffing against previous frames to avoid unnecessary redraw. https://samhsmith.com/serenum/
Added colored text and tab completion to the shell in my OS. https://samhsmith.com/serenum/release_2/ https://samhsmith.com/serenum_r2_screenshot.png
My very basic presentation program running on device. https://samhsmith.com/serenum
Finally the first three Serenum Computers have come off the production line. https://samhsmith.com/serenum/
After 25 days I have successfully got pixels on screen from scratch! No firmware or UEFI, just interacting directly with the hardware on an SOC.
started work on a riscv assembler in my quest for independence and slaying of linkers!!! riscv is actually very comfortable to generate. @NeGate , you should take a look at it.
Here's some showing off of my OS and compiler. A very simple program is compiled to an ELF file and then run on the OS in userspace. https://samhsmith.com/astraos_brevis_move_around_fs_and_start_elf.webm (On real hardware)
Navigating directories and reading files from a FAT32 fs on an sdcard inside my handmade OS running on an SOC. Programmed of course in my own programming language brevis. Road to exit?
Asynchronously reading from a file that represents the SD card connected to my SOC. The response time is increased artificially for extra drama.
Running two threads on my risc-v box. Exciting isn't it. It's an OS except it's missing all the other parts.