I did a mega discussion with @philliptrudeau about the design of internet transport and my plans for rebuilding the internet. &serenum
I did a mega discussion with @philliptrudeau about the design of internet transport and my plans for rebuilding the internet. &serenum
Window Manager Update for Serenum! &serenum https://youtu.be/vnlzpE9G9Ck
I made a video about why I think explicit allocators lead to language design problems. https://youtu.be/PaynYH1FtRY
I'm currently working on a run menu for the Serenum Window Manager. (A run menu is like the start menu in windows but it doesn't show any ads.) &serenum
Implementing a Window Manager for Serenum without using Linux or Windows. All the development is happening using my Serenum. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1127582906773147822/1229778522487394425/20240416_150003.jpg?ex=6630eb7f&is=661e767f&hm=67ad82ee392b012b7ec197c3ddbccb71c0d8d668519a680dc94a8621661d6d04& &serenum
New Serenum Release. https://samhsmith.com/serenum/release_5/ &serenum
I made this video on parsing because there are so few good resources on the topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdlXBDHXqAs
I'm upgrading my Brevis compiler with SSA goodness. Surprisingly easy to do once you've removed the academic words. https://samhsmith.com/serenum/ &serenum
I made this youtube video which does not successfully capture the amount of work it took to produce this new release. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otm83HV1OII &serenum
Work has been done on Serenum. Very wandering video, but might be interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjbIdoJhPzA &serenum
After much pain, sacrifice and compromise I have implemented display mode switching for Serenum. In other words, the kernel can switch between outputting 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1440x1080. https://samhsmith.com/serenum &serenum
&serenum New renderer for the serenum editor. SIMD is used both for rendering and diffing against previous frames to avoid unnecessary redraw. https://samhsmith.com/serenum/
Added colored text and tab completion to the shell in my OS. https://samhsmith.com/serenum/release_2/ https://samhsmith.com/serenum_r2_screenshot.png
My very basic presentation program running on device. https://samhsmith.com/serenum
Finally the first three Serenum Computers have come off the production line. https://samhsmith.com/serenum/
After 25 days I have successfully got pixels on screen from scratch! No firmware or UEFI, just interacting directly with the hardware on an SOC.
started work on a riscv assembler in my quest for independence and slaying of linkers!!! riscv is actually very comfortable to generate. @NeGate , you should take a look at it.
Here's some showing off of my OS and compiler. A very simple program is compiled to an ELF file and then run on the OS in userspace. https://samhsmith.com/astraos_brevis_move_around_fs_and_start_elf.webm (On real hardware)
Navigating directories and reading files from a FAT32 fs on an sdcard inside my handmade OS running on an SOC. Programmed of course in my own programming language brevis. Road to exit?
Asynchronously reading from a file that represents the SD card connected to my SOC. The response time is increased artificially for extra drama.
Running two threads on my risc-v box. Exciting isn't it. It's an OS except it's missing all the other parts.