Vital Ash's Avatar
Vital Ash
Love creative crafts.
My puzzle survival game
Frame-by-frame video viewer
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I wrote a blogpost on programming violins in my MMO &world-of-squares
You can take a walk with me and observe my programming and decision making in a project I spent many 12 hour days on

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I made a new trailer for &world-of-squares
The animated portion of the trailer was done with TVPaint/Clip Studio Paint/After Effects/Premiere Pro. The whole trailer was edited with Premiere Pro/Audacity.
Since I last posted it's now on steam as well as downloadable from the website
I've done a lot with the game and it's now 40,000 LOC. I'm still a big fan of not needlessly breaking code into multiple files as others are. Coming soon I'll release a ❄️ raid dungeon 🏔️

src\wos_world_editor.jai            0
src\wos_arena.jai                   116
src\wos_server_httpwebserver.jai    97
src\wos_server_database.jai         984
src\wos_drop_tables.jai             276
src\client_updater.jai              702
src\secret.jai                      626
src\wos_common.jai                  3653
src\wos_server_payment.jai          1175
src\wos_client_graphics.jai         4134
src\wos_npcs.jai                    1272
src\wos_client.jai                  12665
src\wos_server.jai                  13289
Total                               38989
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I spent a midweek weekend project making "Mailbouncer;" spammers have to pay you money to send an email!

It's 1,600 lines of Jai code. Uses Postfix for email stuff.
I saw Jon make a tweet about this idea and it sounded really funny, so I wanted to make a proof of concept.

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The public pre-alpha for &world-of-squares is out!
Bug reports and feedback can go here:

A feel-good MMO with rich mechanics. Paint with your friends, play a cube violin in the woods, discover an ancient ruins, fight valiant knights and dangerous mobs, become a fox sacrificing yourself to a dangerous altar at midnight, chill with a fishing rhythm game, upgrade your gear and character.

Here's the LOC distribution. I wrote this in about 3 months.

 src\wos_arena.jai                  116
 src\wos_drop_tables.jai            183
 src\wos_server_httpwebserver.jai   238
 src\wos_server_database.jai       1166
 src\wos_server_payment.jai         689
 src\wos_client_graphics.jai       2123
 src\wos_npcs.jai                   883
 src\wos_common.jai                2957
 src\wos_client.jai               11497 (entrypoint)
 src\wos_server.jai               10208 (entrypoint)
 src\client_updater.jai             703 (entrypoint)
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I emailed RAD and they said they do not currently sell licenses for indie developers, so instead of Telemetry, I made a simple multi-threaded profiler for my client and server MMO today
It feels nice though it's not "stuff that makes the game interesting"
The api is these functions and about 113 LOC. The client-side UI code for it is 264 LOC. 💪 🔥

profile_section // Like blocks, but strictly flat regions.
// The exporter/importer functions let me send profiling data from the server to admin clients


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NPC dialog system, cozy blankets, a communal painting, and a new city in my MMO &world-of-squares.

There's so much in this game that I can't show it all, which means it'll all be discoverable in-game as the pre-alpha releases soon.

The dialog system parses text at compile time and creates location-indexed text events for speed, pauses, and color.
"Options" can either take you forward in dialog, take you to a new dialog, or most powerfully, 💪 set your dialog state "server handler" which lets the violinist demonstrate a piece they're working on, or an emote heart (it queues the next dialog state as well). The server handler can be any arbitrary code.

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Play Cube-Violin 🎻 for your friends in my MMO &world-of-squares

You can be wandering along in the woods 🌲, hear a violin in the distance 🎻, and go see what this stranger is practicing!

Each string is a different wave (Square/sawtooth/sine/triangle). You press strings on the fingerboard with each row of your keyboard.
You bow the violin with your mouse; vertical chooses which string (you can do double-stop two note chords; they overlap!) horizontal makes volume (it's louder towards the 🐸 just like there's extra weight in real violin)

Uses mini_audio.h to play simple sounds. Because latency can vary, clients receieving other players' violin playing will delay the absolute time of the actions based on their ping.

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I released a game! I found it a shame that I enjoyed making and playing this game but it was only available for the TI-84+ CE calculator, so I spent a month porting it to PC with a bunch of enhancements and 🔊 sound. It also supports Japanese localization 🇬🇧 / 🇯🇵

The original source was 2,500 LOC, and now it's 6,698 with all the OS layer stuff and enhancements. You can see the original source here:

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Knight arena in my social MMO &world-of-squares !
Don't die for a high kill streak for better knights with better loot. View the possible loot in the new handy drops menu.

In addition to sick items, legendary knights can drop a one-time-use level crystal, increasing your max health just once

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Added painting to my social MMO &world-of-squares !
You can chill and watch your friends make artwork
In the third video, you can spawn clones of yourself and make duplicate paintings that way

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I got an author's copy of my book and it feels so cool! Growing up, I always loved reading books about craft. Something about reading that book under a warm lamp took me to a different world every night and fueled my excitement for the future. So I wrote this book, for 10-year-old me and anyone enthused about game dev.

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Animation Buddy — I'm happy to take an idea from start to finish, and it's really nice to make software that suits my needs exactly :)
I enjoyed the challenges this project provided with combining multi-threading and caching to achieve higher performance.
Made using C++ and OpenGL:

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