I made a new trailer for &world-of-squares
The animated portion of the trailer was done with TVPaint/Clip Studio Paint/After Effects/Premiere Pro. The whole trailer was edited with Premiere Pro/Audacity.
Since I last posted it's now on steam as well as downloadable from the website https://worldofsquares.org/
I've done a lot with the game and it's now 40,000 LOC. I'm still a big fan of not needlessly breaking code into multiple files as others are. Coming soon I'll release a ❄️ raid dungeon 🏔️

src\wos_world_editor.jai            0
src\wos_arena.jai                   116
src\wos_server_httpwebserver.jai    97
src\wos_server_database.jai         984
src\wos_drop_tables.jai             276
src\client_updater.jai              702
src\secret.jai                      626
src\wos_common.jai                  3653
src\wos_server_payment.jai          1175
src\wos_client_graphics.jai         4134
src\wos_npcs.jai                    1272
src\wos_client.jai                  12665
src\wos_server.jai                  13289
Total                               38989