Hello and welcome!
This is the main discussion thread for Büchse. Please post your questions and suggestions here.
This project was initially planned for personal use, but I changed my mind and now it's open source!
The 0.1 release is still in the making. It was planned for Aug 1, but I had to take some contract work, and haven't made any progress this month. I do plan to resume work early next week and push for early September release.
The repo is available at
github.com/staslisetsky/buchse you're welcome to clone it and explore the code. But please hold off the pitchforks and torches, because it's not even alpha technically.
Still, I welcome all suggestions, advice and ideas on how to make the project better.
I'm really excited, and I thank the Handmade Network staff for accepting this project.
I'll see you in September when I officially announce the 0.1 release, that will (hopefully) be actually stable and usable.
Until then, bye-bye and have a good day!
- Stas