l2auth is a project I started a few years ago. It's not intended to be an exact 1:1 replication of the original Lineage's servers but instead, a cool, hobby project to explore different alternatives and game mechanics.

The server is written in C from scratch with as little dependencies as possible and targets the Chronicle 4 of the game.


Recent Activity

Now, players can see other players moving and you can also select characters!

Now we got some relayable hot code reload stuff going on. Also, I was able to strip the usage of the stdlib by quite a bit.

I was getting tired of having to restart the server every time I did a change so today, I went ahed and fix it. Now, we can make changes live in the game server without having to restart at all!

Finally, we can see other players! (yes, for real this time) Today was all about juicy good progress. Players can see each other and when restarting, the character list is shown properly.

Finally, we can see other players! Well, kinda. For some reason, broadcasting packets is still causing issues but at least we know we are on the right track. Progress is progress.

I finally got rid of the old legacy code. Now it's time to see other players in the game and start implementing some broadcasting packets.

Doing some more progress. Now players can enter the world and move around. If you would like, you can watch me work on it here: