Visibility Jam. July 19-21, 2024. See the results.
Build and design spaceships to fight, collaborate with, or troll your friends. Unravel the mysteries of the galaxy with engineering might!


Builds, devlogs, and more are available on the official website! On my YouTube channel there is a catalog of 70+ past videos for those who are curious about the development process.

The game is made in C and depends on some Sokol headers, Chipmunk2D physics, and Enet.

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Recent Activity

New fancy rendering for thruster exhaust, and thrusters now do damage! &multiplayer-space

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Made a networked particle system and the thrusters emit smoke. Tomorrow I'm doing metaball rendering for them and making the thrusters do damage &multiplayer-space

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Fixed a few critical bugs and made this electricity effect shader on the radar to show you the direction of where new unlocks are! &multiplayer-space

View original message on Discord &multiplayer-space I wonder if I should do the audio stereo mixing myself or have miniaudio handle it, you guys have any opinions?

View original message on Discord &multiplayer-space if it weren't for handmade this game wouldn't support such a big world out of the box, thank you all!

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