Hey everyone!
I've been planning video development logs for Dissonance for a while now, but I'm unsure of what format I'd like them to be in, or what I'd want to show off specifically. Being hosted by Handmade Network implies that I should delve into the software side of things, which is an incredibly exciting (albeit a bit nerve-wracking) topic to delve into.
I had a question, for any reading this, however; what else would you be interested in seeing in a regularly uploaded video devlog for the game? I'd love to talk about all facets of the game's development that I'm involved with: music, game design, atmosphere, life as a developer in general, and (obviously) software and program structure, but I'm unsure of what watchers would like to see.
If a Dissonance video devlog were to be started, what format would you like to see? Would you like to see updates on only more software-related topics, or perhaps how different game development elements (including software) mesh together in order to create a final product?
Any input is appreciated. Thanks!