In which I explore what goes into making containers

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!til &learning-jam-2024 Here is my write up for my deepdives in the inner workings of containers

!til &learning-jam-2024 on Linux cgroups and user namespaces weren't originally created with containers in mind

cgroups were created to stop programs fighting for control over the hardware,
namespaces were created to allow for setting quotas on ressource usage

they just happen to allow for containers when used together

!til &learning-jam-2024 contrary to what I thought there is no one "Container" thing at the kernel level that user level systems are interfaces to, every container system has it's own implementation using similar kernel mechanisms in similar but subtly different ways, and there is like 5 different major ones on linux alone

!til &learning-jam-2024 actually chroot and the concept of "I want to run it but not with the rest of my system" is basically as old as Unix

!til &learning-jam-2024 Linux Containers are actually related to FreeBSD Jails