The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam just concluded. See the results.
A simple level geometry editor for axis aligned bounding boxes to get started with learning the odin programming language.

About AABB Level Editor

The goal for the Wheel Reinvention Jam 2024 is to get started with learning the odin programming language. Ideally only the odin vendor libraries will be used (except for e.g. imgui).

Main Goals:

  • Create AABB brushes
  • Edit translation and scale of the brushes
  • Assign textures and texcoords to each face
  • Unlit forward renderer with occlusion culling utilizing the AABBs

Stretch Goals:

  • Deform AABBs via planes (similar to boolean operation)
  • Load GLTF meshes via cgltf and make them placeable in the editor
  • place point lights in the editor
  • Shadow mapping

Screenshot 2024-09-30 013921.png

Screenshot 2024-09-30 013644.png

Screenshot 2024-09-30 013821.png

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Recent Activity

&aabb level editor, made a lot of progress during the last day:

  • added camera controls: normal mouse rotation and orbit around the cursor
  • more customization: camera input sensitivity, grid colors, grid alpha, grid fade distance, clear color etc.
  • Ability to create and select/deselect brushes
  • import textures and generate texture array
  • Assign textures to all faces / only the selected face of a brush

If there was more time I'd tackle:

  • Rendering is messy, I would combine each renderer into one draw call and write to a big buffer
  • TexCoords editing and maybe a toggle to switch between world space uvs and texcoords
  • deform aabbs with planes (similar to boolean operations)

All in all I am quite happy with the results, considering I only spent 3-4 days, learned a lot about odin and really like the language so far.
Thanks for organizing the jam and good rest everyone! 👋

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spent some more time working on the &aabb level editor
added moving an aabb cursor on the XZ plane, face selection and face editing

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i'm super late to the party, for me it's day one, started working on an &aabb level editor to learn odin, so far there's a window and a grid and i'm having a lot of fun getting into the language

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