Thanks for the detailed suggestion list Simon. As you say, I have plans for some of those already.
- Being able to move existing points and resize circles and arcs.
- Being able to remove previous primitives that I used only as helper.
You can currently move points, but it's not something I've advertised as it's not working quite right at the moment. If you middle click it starts moving the point, then left click to place or right click/escape to cancel. Arcs and lines will move with them as you'd expect, but the intersections get confused and only the centre for circles will move (you can't resize them).
It was uncertain which design path of 2 to go down for the data structure for circles... I chose the wrong one but will be fixing it shortly!
You can also delete points with right click on normal mode. Geometer removes all shapes dependent on that point... (it leaves empty intersections that it shouldn't).
- Being able to constraint movements to a x or y (I like the way Blender does this).
I get where you're coming from with X/Y constraints, but I'm currently not sure if I want that - it's starting to get outside the capabilities of compass/straightedge. Having said that, I will be making it possible to rotate the canvas to make any line parallel with the X-axis, and then make lines perpendicular to that using normal construction methods. I haven't quite decided where on the efficiency/authenticity scale I want Geometer to lie.
- Being able to snap at angles.
Do you mean as if you were putting a ruler between 2 points (setting the angle) and then drawing a line that beyond/short of the end point? Or snapping to e.g. 30°, 45° etc? Something else?
- Toggle snapping (without holding the key).
Snapping will be changing a bit when I implement making points on lines/circles/arcs, so I'm not quite sure what the UI will be like for that yet.
- Adding guides (line only used for reference or snapping).
For guides, I'll be adding layers that you can snap to. I'm not sure whether an additional guide construct would get confusing... but I do quite like the metaphor of pen and pencil... ;)
Other than that, I think my responses to the rest of the points are just "yes" :D
Thanks again for the feedback,