Hi everyone,

i pushed another release for you all ;-)

This time i added Semaphores to the threading module, refactored the logging system and added audio device selection for ALSA.
In addition i fixed some small bugs and added a couple of new functions. Also i added Semaphores to the documentation.

Regarding Documentation: I really need some help in that! At the moment the documentation are bare minimum, full of bugs and typos - even some function descriptions may be wrong or has some errors. So if you want to help me improving FPL, you are invited to do so by looking into the documentation and create a post for issues in this forum here.

Also if you have any kind of questions/issues regarding FPL - dont hesitate, write it down into the forum or leave a comment here.

As usual the release is tagged and documentations are updated. You can find the latest documentation here: https://libfpl.org


## v0.8.1.0 beta:
- Changed: Locked error states to multiple and removed FPL_NO_MULTIPLE_ERRORSTATES
- Changed: Renamed fplClearPlatformErrors() to fplClearErrors()
- Changed: Renamed fplGetPlatformErrorCount() to fplGetErrorCount()
- Changed: Renamed fplGetPlatformErrorFromIndex() to fplGetErrorByIndex()
- Changed: Renamed fplGetPlatformError() to fplGetLastError()
- Changed: Refactored logging system
- Changed: Updated comments
- Fixed: fplAnsiString<->WideString conversion enforces ANSI locale (Non Win32)
- New: Added enum fplLogLevel
- New: Added enum fplLogWriterFlags
- New: Added struct fplLogWriter
- New: Added struct fplLogSettings
- New: Added struct fplSemaphoreHandle
- New: Added fplSetLogSettings()
- New: Added fplGetLogSettings()
- New: Added fplSetMaxLogLevel()
- New: Added fplGetMaxLogLevel()
- New: Added fplSemaphoreInit()
- New: Added fplSemaphoreDestroy()
- New: Added fplSemaphoreWait()
- New: Added fplSemaphoreTryWait()
- New: Added fplSemaphoreValue()
- New: Added fplSemaphoreRelease()
- New: Added fplIsStringMatchWildcard()

- Changed: [ALSA] Allow user selection of audio device id
- Fixed: [Win32] WaitForMultipleObjects >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 bugfix
- New: [ALSA] Implemented fplGetAudioDevices
- New: [Win32] Implemented Semaphores
- New: [POSIX] Implemented Semaphores