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Feedback for FPL!

This thread is dedicated to any constructive feedback for FPL.
So if you got some ideas to make this library better in any way, you are welcome to post it here ;)

Edited by Finalspace on Reason: Initial post
Hi, I think it would be useful to be able to resize the window without blocking. One way to this would be using fibers.
Per Vognsen does this in his platform layer for example:
See also related tweet:
Hi, I think it would be useful to be able to resize the window without blocking. One way to this would be using fibers.
Per Vognsen does this in his platform layer for example:
See also related tweet:

This is neat, thanks!

I never read or heard about fibers at all. But i will read things up and play around with it.
But looks like a fine way to move the window message processing into its own special separated thread.

Edited by Finalspace on
Not thread. That's the point of fibers - they execute on same thread as "calling" code. You basically execute for a while and then "jump" to different place to execute. By "place" I mean you assign instruction pointer and all the other registers different values. Now you execute in "other place" for a while. And then "jump" back to original place.

This is how you implement coroutines. Like "await" keyword in Node.JS or Python or C#.