I've been working on a C-Like Language for the past few months. It aims to be C but a few improvements to it that I would like to have. I'm by no means an expert in making programming languages, rather this was my first actual language that wasn't off a tutorial or book.
Its features:
- A lot of stuff carried over from C
- Nested Comment blocks
- A better syntax for function pointers
- Lambdas
- Function overloading and Late-Binding
- Match-Case statements (so people like me who forget writing breaks after switch cases. don't have to)
- Operator overloading
- Namespaces (Like C++)
- Simple References (Like C++)
- A Tags system that replaces #define and #ifdef/#ifndef
- Namespaced Enums
- Flag Enums (for nicer bitfield declarations)
- Imports and "Modules"
- Transpiles to a single c file. You can check the examples folder in the github repo. it has examples for everything in this list that C doesn't have.
For a "demo" I got a triangle up and running with OpenGL in it (with some simple "native" declarations for functions from glad and glfw)