The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam just concluded. See the results.
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The final demo slide for &active-slides is done. And that's a wrap for my jam project. Originally my idea was to have an actual editor for slides but I didn't really get enough time this week to finish something like that. so I just decided to see how easily I could make slides with many dynamic elements using the project

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Putting together a small demonstration was fun! My test slides now include implementation of LERP as well as BILERP. That'll probably be it for the jam project, but there's loads more I could add. I just didn't get as much time this week as I had initially hoped.
The bilerp slide fits in 120 lines of lua code, to be expected since there's actual interactivity in this

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Finally able to show the interactivity in one of these slides. Dragging around objects, and super easy to program in lua!
The small test is also running at ~0.7 millisecond frame times, (2x better than my previous attempt at an ui engine). Ofcourse the test doesn't really mean anything big about the performance since it's such a small demo, but it's nice to see I'm doing something better than last time, at least for myself.

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Finished almost all the lua bindings for &active-slides and also implemented switching between slides! Smoothely

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&active-slides Starting with my "Interactive Slideshow Program" project. Off to quite a late start, but I've finally got a few lua bindings for drawing UI things. Lua will be the way to specify slides, and as it's an actual programming language, interactivity should be quite easy to write

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Made Pong with my custom Nintendo DSi language.
153 Lines of code in total and runs awfully slow on an actual Nintendo DSi because it's an unoptimizing compiler

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A lot of time later, I finally have a hello world program running on my NDS (8x8 Bitmap font)
The program is 142 lines of code total.


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Finally got something visual to show for the project I've been working on for the past three to four months.

  • Custom language compiling to arm assembly
  • Packed in a .nds file getting loaded on an nds emulator (As well as my DSi)
  • Displaying a blue screen via a bitmap


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Finally finished (At least for now) my mini-compiler frontend.
Took 2 months, we'll see if it was worth it.

Goal of this project was NOT to make yet another language, it was to make a compiler frontend so that I can dive into compiler backends. I'm excited for that to be honest, much of this was just elbow grease, which I am glad to be done with (cough typechecker cough)


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Been working on a game/video project for the past month or so. Pretty close to completing a VERY rough demo

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Been working on my SoME#3 entry for the past two months and it's finally out now!
It's about the basics of lexing parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions.

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Made a working Chip-8 emulator
(running the glitch ghost game)

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Been working on supporting Linux for my c codebase.
Same Code, different OS-es and graphics api backends, but all of them get same outputs!

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I made a video about my two year long journey of using C for various projects!

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Been working on my C-Codebase.
It now has swappable backends. Just define a macro and it'll switch the underlying implementations of functions.
So for a demo, I rendered a multicolored triangle with the 3 backends I have implemented currently: OpenGL 3.3, OpenGL 4.6 and D3D11

(You won't see a difference between the 3 multicolored triangles, which is good for my codebase but bad for the demo :kekw:)

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I've made a repository for a very simple C OpenGL renderer API.
It looks this simple to use:

Render_Push_Quad_T(&renderer, rect_init(400, 400, 100, 100), Color_Magenta, white_texture);
Render_Push_String(&renderer, &inconsolata_font, str_lit("Text Rendering!"), vec2_init(500, 100), Color_Yellow);

It fits in precisely 300 Lines of code, and is super easy to extend
For a nice demo: I made a little tetris clone... so enjoy my terrible gameplay 😛

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&multiedit Just to see how easy it is to convert anything to a multiedit plugin, I ported my old solid state visualizer into a plugin.
Also showcases you can do literally anything with plugins here.

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&multiedit a basic particle system plugin in 183 LOC. Yes it's very barebones, but it works!

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&multiedit Multiple plugins and Window resizing done. key events, mouse button events and resize events are now accessible through plugins
Now for the fun part (Trying to make a particle system editor as a demonstration)

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&multiedit Quite a bit of progress since yesterday, added proper plugins and rendering via them is super easy

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&multiedit Had to rescope a bit, panels were causing quite a pain for rendering for plugins. so wasted a day on that.
In other news, I got the file explorer bit working today, with queries!

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&multiedit Got basic panels working. Should be easy to attach plugins to them which is the next step

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Me and my friend made this game for SoME#2 (Math exposition "competition" by 3blue1brown)

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Made a little visualization application for solid state geometry using C/OpenGL

View original message on Discord I've been working on a C-Like Language for the past few months. It aims to be C but a few improvements to it that I would like to have. I'm by no means an expert in making programming languages, rather this was my first actual language that wasn't off a tutorial or book.

Its features:

  • A lot of stuff carried over from C
  • Nested Comment blocks
  • A better syntax for function pointers
  • Lambdas
  • Function overloading and Late-Binding
  • Match-Case statements (so people like me who forget writing breaks after switch cases. don't have to)
  • Operator overloading
  • Namespaces (Like C++)
  • Simple References (Like C++)
  • A Tags system that replaces #define and #ifdef/#ifndef
  • Namespaced Enums
  • Flag Enums (for nicer bitfield declarations)
  • Imports and "Modules"
  • Transpiles to a single c file. You can check the examples folder in the github repo. it has examples for everything in this list that C doesn't have.

For a "demo" I got a triangle up and running with OpenGL in it (with some simple "native" declarations for functions from glad and glfw)

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