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A slideshow program with the ability to embed interactive demos

About Active Slides

Slideshow programs like Powerpoint have the issue of being quite rigid. Slides are defined to flow in a specific way, which is great because it helps a presentation have a rigid structure. But the content within the slides is also completely static which makes embedding any form of interactive content completely impossible. Sometimes you do want to be able to write some behaviour for certain elements to demonstrate some idea easier. Also quite helpful for clearing any doubts if there are any.

Active Slides (I'm bad at names) is my jam attempt at building a system that allows just that. In this case, you can use simple lua scripts for programming slides

This is not my ideal slideshow program though. That would be something between Powerpoint and this program, where you still have a nice editor, but you can also use some language like lua to program interactive parts of a slide. Can't do all of that in a single week though, so I did the easiest thing which achieved what I wanted.

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Recent Activity

The final demo slide for &active-slides is done. And that's a wrap for my jam project. Originally my idea was to have an actual editor for slides but I didn't really get enough time this week to finish something like that. so I just decided to see how easily I could make slides with many dynamic elements using the project

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Putting together a small demonstration was fun! My test slides now include implementation of LERP as well as BILERP. That'll probably be it for the jam project, but there's loads more I could add. I just didn't get as much time this week as I had initially hoped.
The bilerp slide fits in 120 lines of lua code, to be expected since there's actual interactivity in this

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Finally able to show the interactivity in one of these slides. Dragging around objects, and super easy to program in lua!
The small test is also running at ~0.7 millisecond frame times, (2x better than my previous attempt at an ui engine). Ofcourse the test doesn't really mean anything big about the performance since it's such a small demo, but it's nice to see I'm doing something better than last time, at least for myself.

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Finished almost all the lua bindings for &active-slides and also implemented switching between slides! Smoothely

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&active-slides Starting with my "Interactive Slideshow Program" project. Off to quite a late start, but I've finally got a few lua bindings for drawing UI things. Lua will be the way to specify slides, and as it's an actual programming language, interactivity should be quite easy to write

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